Meme Watch: Obama's Hip-Hop BBQ

Reason #999,999,999,999,999 to love the internet: In response to Fox News apparently deciding to go all-in on the President Blackie McBlackerson and his friends wants to destroy all things white narrative, a “Obama hip-hop BBQ” meme has sprung up in which people take the Fox Nation template and have some photo editing fun with it. At this point late on Friday afternoon it’s still in its infancy stages and will probably have its momentum sapped by the weekend, but a few of the offerings I’ve seen so far have made me LOL pretty hard, none more than the alternative universe-y one below by this guy
After the jump are a couple of others that brought joy to my heart.

Via March of Paradigms.
Via Screen Name.
Via Alex Litel.
Via March of Paradigms.
Via Alex Litel.
Via March of Paradigms.
Have a great weekend!