Meme Watch: Party Toddler Starts The Holiday Celebration Early

Yesterday Redditor graceful_klutz posted an old picture of her now five-year-old daughter on Reddit with the title, “My daughter is not a morning person.” The picture went viral and spawned the Party Toddler meme. She says she didn’t expect the attention but it doesn’t bother her either, adding, “Good life lesson for her later. ‘Look Sweetie, this is why we never post inappropriate pictures of ourselves for other people. They go everywhere.'” She also expressed dismay that so many of the captions weren’t family friendly, stating:

It’s kind of funny, I just wish there were more appropriate ones I could show to our family…..
A plus though is that my husband is a youth pastor. He now officially has an example to tell the teens of why you don’t put anything revealing on the Internet, it has the potential to explode.

At least it’s just a cute picture of a toddler making a funny face and not something really embarrassing, like those pictures I accidentally on purpose tagged with your name on Facebook.

Several of our favorite Party Toddler image macros are below, and (as hinted above) some of them are potentially offensive if you can’t handle swearing or the suggestion that toddlers might use drugs, in which case you might also dislike puppies, sunshine, and egg nog, ya frikkin’ buzzkill.










Thom Yorke’s daughter? [via]









“Party Toddler… the night before.” [via]









