Awesome Dad Makes PB&Js Cool By Drawing On His Kids’ Sandwiches Bags For 5 Years

In previous installments of “Awesome Dads,” we’ve covered the father who hacked Donkey Kong so that his daughter could play as Pauline, not Mario, and the proud papa of Maximus Thor, still the greatest name for a human being ever. Today, via BuzzFeed, we present graphic designer David LaFerriere, who’s been making colorful “sandwich art” for his kids since 2008.

Since May 2008 I have been drawing on my kids’ sandwich bags with a Sharpie marker. Each drawing is done just after I make the sandwich. My kids don’t see the drawing until it is lunchtime. The challenges are coming up with an idea and then drawing quickly and directly on the bag, every line counts. (Via)

Sure beats the hell out of the plastic-tasting macaroni and cheese I ate from the school cafeteria during elementary school. Here’s a collection of some of LaFerriere’s finest work.