Want Your Farts To Smell Like Chocolate? France’s Hippie Santa Claus Has The Miracle Pill For You.

As a general rule, it’s unwise to accept pills from any man who looks like an acid-dropping Santa Claus. But when the potential reward is this great, one must toss conventional wisdom out the window.

Christian Poincheval, a 65-year-old French inventor who could easily pass as Jerry Garcia’s long lost brother, claims to have invented herbal supplements with the power to make farts smell like roses, violets, or even chocolate.

His journey to flatulent bliss began six years ago, as he told France’s The Local:

“We had just come back from Switzerland and we were eating a lot with our friends and the smell from the flatulence was really terrible. We couldn’t breathe so me and friend decided something had to be done.”


“When we were vegetarian we noticed that our gas smelt like vegetables, like the odour from a cow pat, but when we started eating meat, the smell of the flatulence became much disagreeable. We needed to invent something that made them smell nicer.”

And so Poincheval went to see a scientist. Eventually they cracked the flatulence code, developing a pill that makes human farts smell like flowers. More recently, Poincheval concocted a chocolate-scented version of his product, which is comprised of vegetable coal, fennel, seaweed, plant resin, bilberry, and cacao zest.

Poincheval markets his new creation as “the Father Christmas fart pill that gives your farts the scent of chocolate.”

At a reasonable €9.99 for a batch of 60 pills, Poincheval sells a “few hundred jars” of his product every month. Those sales figures should spike with the holidays approaching, as his pills solve that all-too-common problem of finding gifts for relatives who wrongly think their sh*t don’t stink.

(Via The Local; H/T The Daily Dot)