Farrah Abraham Made It Rain With A $600 Visit From The Tooth Fairy

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Everyone’s favorite Teen Mom, Farrah Abraham, is back in the headlines. The erotic novelist, fat shamer, and future plastic surgeon pulled quite the stunt on Twitter. There’s a good chance Farrah is simply drumming up publicity to promote her Botched appearance, where she’ll discuss her failed lip surgery. Whatever Farrah’s motivations are, her daughter is not the winner in this situation.

Farrah’s six-year-old daughter, Sophia, lost her two front teeth. This should be a sweet, momentous occasion in a child’s life. The tooth fairy ritual is often worth more in sentimental value than the nominal offering by said fairy. Farrah forked out $600 in exchange for her daughter’s teeth. Because nothing happens unless it’s recorded on social media, here’s the “proof” of Farrah’s generosity: