Just How Dumb Do Airlines Think Their Passengers Are?

According to statistics that I’m making up off the top of my head, 97 percent of Americans who have flown on airplanes have been completely miserable with the experience and have therefore told at least five friends and coworkers how much they hate using specific airlines. Of course, that hardly ever stops us from using the same airlines over and over, because there are four companies that essentially control our long distance travel destinies, and until Elon Musk makes good with that Hyperloop idea, we’ll all continue to bow down before our air travel overlords, as they make their seats smaller and cut the number of snack options we’re given on a flight from two to one broken, stale pretzel.

Obviously, these airlines know exactly what they’re doing when they’re ripping us off and ruining our fun, and that’s evidenced by the recent accusations of price fixing. And don’t even get us started on cable companies and their robocalls. Instead, we’ll let anchors Tom Storey and Briana Lane handle that on today’s episode of The Desk.