Animated Dads As Beer Cans For Father’s Day

Here’s a good times tribute to Father’s Day we can all celebrate even if we haven’t fathered any children we’re aware of. (not a site dedicated to your sister in high school, I promise) and Moxy Creative House teamed up to create these illustrations of potential animated dad themed beers. They’re making me pretzel-level thirsty as I type this.
All the beer dad variations look and sound pretty tasty. Except for “Smurfberry Ale.” I’m pretty sure that name has already been claimed by a particularly disturbing sexual maneuver. My first round beer fest pick would go to Incredible Imperial Stout. And if anyone can explain to me why the Home Jay Dry Lager has sprinkle doughnut can top I’m all ears. If it’s due to a tasty icing finish then it gets my second pick.