Captain, Lawyer Shields Are Failing! Divorce Destroys the USS Tony Alleyne

Remember a couple years ago when that story about a guy turning his apartment into a Star Trek set made the rounds? His name was Tony Alleyne…you know, this guy…

Yeah, we all had a good chuckle. Trekkies secretly envied him. A lot of “man, wonder what his WIFE thinks of THIS, ho ho!” jokes were made. Wellll…turns out she, shockingly, doesn’t think much of it.

Tony’s wife is divorcing him, and she owns the apartment and wants to sell it, so sadly Tony is going to have to put his toys back in the box and go play with them someplace else. Tony says it would take nearly 150 thousand dollars remake his Trek apartment, but I have faith he can do it all again. You’d be surprised how much money you can save when you cut things like “women”, “sex”, and “leaving your Star Trek apartment” out of your life.

Honestly, I always knew nothing good would come of Tony’s Trek apartment. I mean, he based his designs on Star Trek Voyager. Voyager. That’s like building yourself a Star Wars house and basing it on Holiday Special. Voyager is good for one thing though — giving me an excuse to post Seven of Nine’s boobs. You’re welcome.

Not even these could make Voyager watchable.

via The Daily What