Check Out The Incredible Stained Glass Movie Posters Of Designers ‘Von Orton’

For those of you who might not be hip to my propaganda on FilmDrunk, I thoroughly believe that Big Trouble in Little China is one of the greatest films ever made, and I will continue to spread that gospel until Lo Pan finally breaks his curse and conquers the world. That said, I may or may not have a news search for all things Jack Burton, and that’s how I ended up finding the incredible artistic efforts of the designers and twin brothers known collectively as Van Orton Design.

Based in Italy, the brothers have been posting their latest series of stained glass movie posters to their Facebook page, and they’ve given some of our favorite movies of the 1980s (and one from the 1970s) these incredible new posters that just so happen to be for sale. I know that because it took me all of 10 seconds to email and ask, “How much for the Big Trouble poster?!?!” before throwing a jar of pennies at my monitor.

Check out the rest of their designs and immediately add them to your favorites.

(H/T to Beautiful Decay, learn more about Von Orton by liking them on Facebook)