Chris Evans Channels Captain America And Drags Former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke On Twitter

It has been well established that Chris Evans’ uses his Twitter account for good. But two articles about Chris Evans’ being a real life Captain America in less than a month? 2017 is weird AF.

After the Senate confirmed Jeff Sessions as Attorney General on February 8, 2017, some people were elated by this news. People like David Duke, the white nationalist and former Imperial Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan. The Southern Poverty Law Center has collected some of Duke’s worst quotes if you are not familiar.

With all that in mind, some people might consider it alarming that Duke is pleased by the turn of events happening on Capitol Hill. A consideration Chris Evans’ was more than happy to bring to light on social media.

Of course, it didn’t take Duke long to seize the opportunity to make enemies and alienate people by trying to take shot a Captain America only to have Evans’ drag him for his efforts.
So, to recap. In the year of our Lord Cthulhu 2017, the Internet witnessed Captain America take down Duke Twitter. And it’s only February. This season of “America” is already surreal and exhausting. But at least we know that Evans will never stop fighting for what he believes is right.