This Video Of A Golden Retriever ‘Singing’ Opera Might Be Your Only Sanctuary From Trump Talk

Opera‘s swell and all and a great place to meet superhero playboys in their civilian gear, but let’s not forget the art form’s die-hard canine fans. Namely, the adorable pup known as Oscar the Golden Retriever.

The industrial strength adorable clip we have nestled above features Oscar “singing” along to legendary tenor Andrea Bocelli‘s “The Prayer” in his unique dog vocal range. It’s not exactly a performance that would have a Voice coach spin their chair at breakneck speed, but that’s no the point. We’re in it for the cute, the charisma and stage presence. Oscar has more than his share of that.

“My dog Oscar always howls when my mom plays this part of “The Prayer” on the piano so we decided to catch him on video,” explains YouTube user Michael Baker in the accompanying description. “He only howls during this part of the song, and so far it has only worked for this song. I thought I would share with the world because my family thinks it’s hilarious.”

Check out this exciting new voice for yourself by hitting play on that friendly lil’ YouTube rectangle above. If you want to sing along, we won’t judge you.

(Via Mashable)