Something Very Strange Is Happening In This Poopy ‘Dude Wipes’ Commercial

I almost don’t even have any words for this commercial for something called Dude Wipes. It’s at-once disgusting, creative, stupid and glorious. You can watch the whole thing above, but here are the highlights:

We open on a toilet bowl containing ominously dark water and what looks like a giant rubber butt. Something brown (two of them) slowly emerges from it, diving into the bowl. A close up reveals two men in a poop costumes, one named Plip and other named Plop. Their excited recommendation: “You got yourself a dirty pipe? Reach! For Dude Wipes!”

Cut to a man dressed as a Dude Wipe, undoubtedly hooked up to cables, wiping the rubber butt, and then a man dressed as…something else (I’ll admit that I’m dense for not getting what he’s supposed to be), says, “Ah, so much better. Thanks Plip and Plop. Thanks Dude Wipes.”

Then, the cherry on top? There’s rhyming. “Remember kids, the human species cleans its own feces. Nothing more wack than a dirty crack.”

So Dude Wipes is a product designed to make men ashamed of defecating, I guess. And this commercial is designed specifically to pander to desperate bloggers who need something — anything — to write about.

(h/t Boing Boing)