Eight New Green Lantern Clips And A Huge Gallery Of High-Res Pics

Warner Brothers released eight clips from Green Lantern (opening June 17th), a total of just over eight minutes of CG-heavy footage.  We also have several high-res photos and concept art from the film (The first ten photos after the jump are from the movie, not concept art).

I wish they’d stop putting the Green Lantern oath in so many of these marketing videos.  Yes, they made a lot of fanboys’ undies moist the first time Ryan Reynolds said the oath at San Diego Comic-Con last July (I’ll admit I threw a bra at the screen at the time.  No idea whose bra it was.)  But they keep trying to duplicate that event and are overdoing it to potential drinking game levels.  We get it.  He has an oath.  I’d send an email to Warner to complain but I’m too busy googling pictures of koalas.

[Sources: ComingSoon (additional high-res pictures available there), SuperheroHype, and AccessHollywood]


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