This 17-Year-Old Gay Feminist Has A Yearbook Quote For The Ages

Because I was an identity-less blob of nothing in high school, I did whatever my friends did, which is how I came to briefly love Dave Matthews Band. I went all out… the cargo shorts, the puka-shell necklace, the listening to Tim Reynolds solo albums. I still remember every lyric to every song to every album they put out pre-2005, and even my high-school yearbook quote was taken over by DMB. It read, “Am I right side up or upside down? Is this real or am I dreaming?” DEEP.

Point is, don’t use a Dave Matthews Band lyric in your yearbook. Be more like Caitlyn Cannon, a 17-year-old gay feminist student in California who made Twitter swoon with this message.

It was either that, or “Pantala Naga Pampa.”

(Via Mashable)