Watch This And Hold On To Something, We’re Getting Another Conservative ‘Daily Show’

It is well known that liberals control all facets of media. Each night we have talking heads like Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert providing a view of the world that leans to the left, leaving many on the right to fend for themselves in the wilds of comedy. But fear not real America, your savior has possibly arrived in the form of “The Flipside.”

Imagine “The Soup” or the recently canceled “Totally Biasedas a weekly comedy half-hour for conservatives and you have “The Flipside” from Telco Productions. TV Media Insights provides the details:

Telco Productions is distributing a new half-hour weekly for first-run syndication called “The Flipside,” which is described as a political satire offering a fresh perspective on what is happening in America. Hosted by comedian Michael Loftus and available next fall, “The Flipside” is anti-politically correct, poking fun at the powers-that-be in a guest interview environment.

“Poking fun at the powers-that-be” seems the bold statement when half the jokes seem to be targeting the Occupy movement, but what do I know? Tell those hippies to get a job!

“The Flipside” is preceded by the Fox News efforts “The 1/2 Hour News Hour and the more successful “Red Eye with Greg Gutfeld as outlets for comedy with a conservative slant, unless you still count Dennis Miller as a comedian.

You can view a complete episode at the Telco website, but I’ve put the trailer below to give you a peek at what it must feel like to be locked in an asylum for the weekend. I didn’t laugh myself, but I’ve clearly been infected by liberal bias and can’t understand the “razor sharp wit and fearless commentary.”
