Two Red Band ‘Kick-Ass 2’ Videos Remind Us Why Chloe Moretz Is The Best

Universal released a red band clip and a featurette for Kick-Ass 2. I won’t spoil the red band clip for you, other than to say it’s filled with violence and profanity and Aaron Johnson appears to have raided my wardrobe:

Lookin’ superfly, Dave.

The featurette gives us a spot of the old ultraviolence, plus cast interviews. The violent, profanity-laden video gives us a hint of “that level of violence” which Jim Carrey said he “couldn’t support”. Then again, we’re not seeing a level of violence in these scenes that isn’t also present in the comic. There’s Hit-Girl chopping a guy’s hand off in self defense and — spoiler, we guess — making hired muscle Black Death (Daniel Kaluuya) poke his own eye out. Stop poking yourself, stop poking yourself.

Kick-Ass 2 opens August 16th.

[Sources: ENI and CBM. Pictures courtesy of Universal.]

More pictures on the next page of Chloe Moretz as Hit-Girl, Jim Carrey as Colonel Stars and Stripes, Lindy Booth as Night B!tch, Donald Faison as Dr. Gravity, and more.