Kirk And Scotty Defy Several Laws Of Physics In This New Action-Packed 'Star Trek Into Darkness' Clip

We’ve got a new Star Trek Into Darkness clip for you and it’s totally full of things being destroyed and people screaming and dying and running, because of course it is! Star Trek Into Darkness is two hours of pure explodey, screamy goodness! Hmmm, I vaguely remember Star Trek being about something other than explosions and screaming in the past, but I’m probably wrong. Ahhh, nooo, boom, bang, lens flare!

Hit the jump for the clip…

Sooo, yeah — that bit with Kirk and Scotty running on the walls looked cool and all, but it would make Newton cry with how little sense it made. Also, remember when Scotty was this fat dude with a moustache who was so lazy he’d make a snarky remark every time someone asked him to reach out and push the “energize” button? Now he can run so hard he can stick to walls. Progress!

via Comic Book Movie