What Would Our Print Media Look Like If The Avengers Were Real? MediAvengers Investigates.

If The Avengers existed in real life, you can bet all of our celebrities and athletes would fall by the wayside while we clamor for Avengers gossip, interviews, and paparazzi pics. Are Black Widow and Hawkeye just friends? Why is Bruce Banner always angry? Is Tony Stark just the coolest? (Yes.) Does Captain America have a girlfriend? (It’s complicated.) What is Thor’s favorite food? (Pop tarts.)

Thankfully, Kim (AKA nottonyharrison) has created MediAvengers to answer some of these questions. Her photoshopped magazines and newspapers envision a world where the Avengers Initiative is real and becomes every tabloid’s bread and butter. Some of the photoshops even include articles written by her which incorporate details from the comics. We’ll let Kim describe her methods.

“Articles are written in the style of the publication’s real world counterpart (hence Cap’s great butt in the US Weekly spreads, and the trashy, repetitive, and apparently badly researched nature of the pieces in general). Every piece is carefully thought out, right down to what information would be ‘allowed’ into the public arena (say hello to Natalie Rushman), and incorporates quotes from the comics and other parts of the Marvel Multiverse to really give it a little more of an authenticity boost.” [MediAvengers via Gizmodo]

Some of our favorites are collected below, with a link to the full-sized version under each picture. Many more of these photoshops, full-sized articles, and Kim’s commentary can be found at MediAvengers.

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