New Trailer, Posters, And A Bunch Of Pictures From Captain America

We’ve got a huge amount of new Captain America: The First Avenger stuff to get to this morning so I’ll keep this short.  The new trailer is finally available online and in high-def, plus we’ve got a bunch of screengrabs and stills and a couple of posters.  The movie comes out July 22nd, directed by Joe Johnston and starring Chris Evans, Hayley Atwell, Hugo Weaving, Samuel L. Jackson, Dominic Cooper, Tommy Lee Jones, Stanley Tucci, Sebastian Stan, Toby Jones, Derek Luke, and Neal McDonough.

Also, the trailer uses Tool’s “Forty-Six & 2” throughout.  That seemed odd, but the song was also used a couple years ago at Comic-Con when Marvel debuted some Iron Man 2 footage.  The song is about evolution so I guess it makes sense, but I can’t help picturing creepy claymation dudes when I hear it.

[Sources:  Slashfilm, CBM, TheFilmStage, ComingSoon, Wired]

Available in HD at Yahoo.

Some screengrabs from the trailer:

In before this gets Rule 34’d.

“Dude, pass this note to Mark Zuckerberg.”

More of these screengrabs and larger versions of the ones above are available at CBM.

On to the next page for a bunch of new stills and a retro poster of CAPTAIN AMERICA PUNCHING HITLER IN THE FACE.  America . . . f-ck yeah!

Below is the retro one-sheet based on the Captain America Comics #1 cover.  This was designed by Paolo Rivera. If the name sounds familiar, that might be because he’s the same artist who made the awesome “Wolverines Playing Poker”.

And here’s the Captain America Comics #1 cover for reference:

And some stills released by the studio awhile ago: