North Korea Is Furious At Seth Rogen And James Franco For Plotting To Kill Kim Jong-Un

In their new movie The Interview, Seth Rogen and James Franco get recruited by the CIA to assassinate the leader of North Korea, Kim Jong-Un. So, pretty much Freaks and Geeks: The Next Generation. Anyway, you’d think that those stoner party animals in North Korea would be cool with the premise — they’re usually the Spuds MacKenzie of nations — but not so much.

Kim Myong-chol, executive director of the Centre for North Korea-U.S. Peace and an unofficial spokesman for the regime in Pyongyang, was dismissive.

“There is a special irony in this storyline as it shows the desperation of the U.S. government and American society,” he told the Telegraph. “A film about the assassination of a foreign leader mirrors what the US has done in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, and Ukraine,” he added. “And let us not forget who killed [President John F.] Kennedy – Americans. In fact, President Obama should be careful in case the US military wants to kill him as well,” Kim Myong-chol said. (Via)

I always knew there was going to be a World War 3.

I just didn’t think those guys would be the cause of it.

Via the Telegraph