Pornhub Created A Giant Lube Water Slide, Because Why Wouldn’t They?

To announce the launch of a new line of lubricants, Pornhub, the innovative adult entertainment website which previously gifted the world a lifelike twerking butt sex toy and an attempt at “porn in space,” set out to create the “world’s largest lube slide.” It’s unclear whether or not the Guinness World Records holds a title for that, so we’ll just have to say, mission accomplished.

The slide, which stood 55 feet tall and 150 feet long, was constructed in Agua Dulce, California, and apparently used over 110 gallons of lube. Several popular adult film stars were on hand to test it out, and while it definitely looked like a fun sexy time, I just can’t get past the thought of having lube in my hair. But that’s just me.

Corey Price, vice president of Pornhub said in a press release:

The launch of our lubricants line is a big but rational move for us. At Pornhub, we’re all about the user experience. Until now, we’ve been laser-focused on delivering that through best-in-class content. With the launch of our lubricants line, we are further enhancing that experience through product – and bridging the online and at-home Pornhub experience. For those sick of using lotions, we’ve got the potions – and we’re greased up about the launch.

Clearly! Suffice to say, while you may enjoy Pornhub’s lube products at your own discretion, these are trained professionals, so please don’t try the lube slide thing at home.