R.I.P. Ryan McHenry, The Creator Of All Those ‘Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat His Cereal’ Vines

If you’ve ever skimmed through Vine’s many comedy offerings, you’ve probably run across the account of Ryan McHenry. He was the brilliant gentleman who created the “Ryan Gosling Won’t Eat His Cereal” series of videos, which first gained popularity back in 2013. McHenry had to go on hiatus while battling cancer, but he soon returned in February with a vengeance.

McHenry sadly succumbed to his cancer. Vine’s official Twitter account broke the news earlier today:


Despite the the pain, McHenry pressed on until the end. His final Vine was, of course, about Gosling’s apparent distaste for cereal (in a very meta way):

But perhaps the most magnificent (and saddest) thing McHenry said of his sickness was on Friday, when he accounted for his time alive on this planet:

Redditor two2tone22 shared the news with the website, saying that the online community should help “get Ryan Gosling to eat a bowl of cereal in his honor.” Sounds like a bona fide plan, no? Let’s make this happen.

(Via Reddit)