Check Out These Crazy #SnowChallenge People Who Are Literally Swimming In Snow


Why shovel snow when you can throw on your swimsuit, stand on a ledge and dive into feet of flakes with the confidence of Michael Phelps? With Saturday’s epic snowstorm blanketing the Northeast region, a Shippensburg University swimmer issued a challenge to swimmers and snow lovers alike.

Instagram user @courtney_marie_02’s video is going viral after she literally went swimming in snow. The college senior posted the video on her Instagram and quickly amassed over 72,000 likes for diving into her snow-covered backyard. Jonas dumped so much snow that you could barely see Courtney’s feet when she dove in. “I challenge EVERY swimmer to go out and do this today, #snowchallenge,” she left in the video’s caption.

And once there’s a challenge, expect your fair share of challengers. Many are now diving and swimming in the white stuff, including the Men’s Swimming & Diving team at West Virginia University. Twitter user Chris McMahon uploaded a video of swimmers holding practice in snow because SWIM IS LIFE!

Besides the “you can get sick!” factor, it does look like tons of fun. It sucks that I’m too boring and paralyzed by fears that I might crack my head open to do it, though. But check out some of these brave swimmers.