Enjoy Some Of The Best In Comedy Shutting Down Hecklers In This Supercut

Hecklers seem to be all over the place, sifting through the decent people like weeds and sprouting out with whatever inane thing pop in their minds. So, from time to time, comedians and people in positions of power are forced to address hecklers and take them down a notch. We’ve covered a few of the best over the years, but now you can enjoy a fine string all in this handy supercut.

George Carlin, Richard Pryor, Patton Oswalt and many others lead the pack of comedians either creatively shutting down hecklers or blistering them into a million pieces with some yelling. Missing is Bill Hicks, I guess for a reason. He does get a bit worked up multiple times, particularly when you yell Freebird at him during a show. Usually talk of Hitler is going to throw off any supercut, unless it’s a supercut about Hitler.

Still did the clip miss any? I can think of a few others, including Andrew Dice Clay essentially taking on the entire audience for a full comedy album.

(Via Digg / Adam Schleichkorn)