Here’s Frightening Footage Showing The Late Night Assault On Dallas Police Headquarters (UPDATED)

Several eyewitnesses captured a shocking early morning attack on the Dallas Police Headquarters reportedly involving up to four suspects using explosives and automatic weapons while riding in an armored van. The initial attack was captured in several videos and shows police investigating the van and surrounding it while several shots ring out. The vehicle then rams a police cruiser and takes off down the road.

CNN provided details of the still ongoing situation that followed the initial shootout:

Officers exchanged gunfire with the attacker or attackers at both sites, and as dawn broke in Texas — hours after the near-midnight attack began — they still were watching the vehicle and negotiating with the driver in the parking lot of a Jack in the Box restaurant in Hutchins.

No injuries were immediately reported, but police are dealing with a parallel threat — at least two pipe bombs that were found outside the police headquarters after the initial shooting.

One of the bombs exploded as a bomb-squad robot tried to move it Saturday morning. Police posted a picture on Twitter that appeared to show that vehicles were damaged in the blast.

The bomb squad detonated the second device. By 7 a.m. local time, police said they determined there was no longer a threat at the headquarters building, but police still were searching the area for more explosives.

Several others uploaded videos on social media and Dallas PD provided a look at some of the damage they had encountered during the incident. No officers were injured, though, which is apparently lucky considering aftermath.

A suspect involved has been identified as “James Boulware, a White male, 5’10”, 200 pounds,” but Dallas police wouldn’t confirm that he is the person that is currently in negotiations with the police.

Police found a previous record of domestic violence by a man under that name. The suspect told police that he was angry because they took away his child and labeled him a terrorist.

He threatened to blow them up and broke off negotiations.

We’ll update the story as more detail comes in, but you can check out some additional video below and check out the Dallas PD press conference offering the up to date information on the active standoff.

UPDATE: Dallas police updated the situation, noting that a sniper shot out the engine block of the suspect’s vehicle and placed on shot that allegedly hit the suspect. CNN is reporting that the shooter may be dead, but police are using bomb disposal robots to check the van and break their way inside the vehicle.

There has also been a release of photos of the suspect involved. Two past mug shots and the possible type of van used in the attack:

(Via CNN / Dallas PD)