This Battery-Powered Prank Involving A Dropped Batch Of Adult Toys Is A No-Frills Joy

The merry prankster at the Whatever YouTube channel concocted one of this year’s most effective Internet jokes, the Camel Toe prank. That prank was so literal that it hurt, which is perhaps why it fooled so many unsuspecting lady victims. The nice thing about such harmless little pranks is that no one’s ego gets hurt. People walked away laughing from the camel toe because they had fun too. This fella did not play them for fools with a heavily orchestrated prank. Those big-budget nightmares irritate the heck out of those who fall for the insulting results. The results are not so nice.

In contrast, the Whatever fella (along with a few accomplices) keeps it real with the purest of pranks. Here, he walks down the sidewalk with a clunky suitcase full of sex toys. The suitcase doesn’t hold together, so he begs for assistance to retrieve his one-man treasures. His excuses range from the believable (“a bad knee”) to the ridiculous (“a deviated septum”), but both are equally hilarious. The one off-putting aspect about this video is the occasional good Samaritan who readily scoops up the toys. Then there’s the guy who runs by at the 4:00 mark, grabs a disturbingly floppy specimen and runs like crazy.

Rest assured, the fun is not over. In this behind-the-scenes video, yet another helpful pedestrian arrives at 5:45. She touches the toys and then … runs her fingers through her hair. No one could fake that level of germ concern. Prank insanity!