‘Watch Dogs’ Shows Off Its Open World Chicago In A Mind-Changing New Trailer


Watch Dogs is supposedly an open world game, but so far we haven’t seen much evidence of that — most of the trailers and demos we’ve seen so far have taken place a small handful of relatively restrictive environments. Thankfully Ubisoft has finally put together a new trailer showcasing its open world Chicago, and I have to say, things are looking pretty promising.

It seems like a lot of the things I’ve laid down as requirements for next-gen open world games are actually happening in Watch Dogs. NPCs with backgrounds and personalities, a game world that’s deep as opposed to just sprawling, some type of consequences for being a murderous asshole — I’m liking what I’m seeing here.

Check out the trailer for yourself below…

That was legitimately one of the most effective game trailers I’ve seen in a while. I’d gone pretty cold on Watch Dogs, but I’m totally back on board now. What about you folks?

via Lazygamer