Woman Films Herself Cheating To Get Back At Cheating Cheater Boyfriend

[protected-iframe id=”4646696f485e2016e07b7b773edbc008-60970621-23417596″ info=”https://www.liveleak.com/ll_embed?f=7856da03be05″ width=”640″ height=”360″ frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen=””]

It’s one thing to dump a cheating lover’s expensive Apple electronics into a watery tub of sweet revenge. It’s another to play a little game of monkey-see-monkey-do, film yourself after the fact, and post it to the internet for all to see.

That’s just cold. Then again, if the woman in the video is to be believed, then it’s not like she started it. At least the cheated-on cheater gets to keep all of his iWhatevers.

(Via BroBible)