Watch This Friendly Waving Bear Catch Some Bread Like It’s Nothing

It’s not every day you wave at a friendly bear and have it wave back to you, and even fewer a day that you toss a bear some food and have it catch it out of the air like it’s the most normal thing in the world. But that’s just what happens in this video.

Except as it turns out, it is the most normal thing in the world at the Olympic Game Farm in Sequim, Washington, which from what I can best tell from my Internet research is where this video takes place. Home to the Waving Kodiak Bears, the Olympic Game Farm worked exclusively for Walt Disney Studios for nearly 30 years prior to Walt Disney’s death, when the studio decided to move away from nature films.

Now it all makes sense. I’ll just assume that other animals at the game farm have equally as impressive tricks, like colorful birds who land on your shoulder to sing you a song and tutu-wearing, ballerina-dancing hippos. What a magical place.