Meet The Woman Who Got Lost In The Woods, Gave Birth, Fought Bees, And Started A Wildfire

This story combines many comical elements but could have been deadly serious in its outcome. A 35-year-old woman, Amber Pangborn, found herself on a deserted stretch of forestland in Northern California. She had taken an unfamiliar shortcut after going into labor, and she lost her way. Soon enough, Amber ran out of gas, and her cellphone lost the signal.

Amber did what she had to do. Without any help, she gave birth in the backseat of her car. Unfortunately, this was only the beginning of Amber’s adventure. Over the next three days, Amber subsisted upon only apples. She was attacked by bees and mosquitoes, which were attracted to the baby’s placenta. Then wild animals began to approach the car.

Amber believed she and her baby were going to die, so she pulled a desperate move. Amber used a match and hairspray to light a signal fire, but, “Like, the whole side of the mountain caught on fire.” Fortunately, the fire did its trick, and authorities found the pair (in terrible shape) inside Amber’s car.

Amber’s fire burned a quarter acre, but the Forest Service is OK with the damage. Likewise, Amber and her baby girl, Marisa, are just fine now.

(Via the Los Angeles Times and KCRA)