There’s a lot about the original Luke Cage comics that are… shall we say, quite ’70s. The yellow shirt, the jive, but above all, the fact that they wanted Luke to swear, but couldn’t. He definitely couldn’t blaspheme, not in a comic that would be sold across America and that already had a problem at some newsstands due to featuring a black lead character. Thus, Luke’s catchphrase became the rather memorable and completely made up “Sweet Christmas!”
I’ll be honest, I didn’t think they were going to keep it, especially not because they are retaining, ah, Luke’s later character aspects in Jessica Jones. But as you’ll hear in the audio from Comic Book above, not only do they keep the catchphrase, Mike Colter makes it sound natural. He also briefly discusses that yes, it will turn up in the series, although you shouldn’t hold your breath for his tiara. That said, Colter does note this:
When I saw the tiara, all the 1970s blackspoitation stuff, I was like, ‘oh my God…’ But they assured me, ‘that’s not what we’re doing, we’re doing a modern day version.’ …We’re gonna give them what they want, though.
In other words, we’re probably going to see what he looks like in yellow silk. Although you would think that would be the outfit they set on fire.
(Via Comic Book)