A Professional Artist Took A ‘Complete This Drawing’ Book To The Next Level

Ever wonder what happens when a professional artist gets their hands on a “complete this drawing” book, where readers are given a partial doodle and encouraged to finish the picture? What happens is downright awesome when Megan Nicole Dong buys the book. Dong is a former story artist at DreamWorks animation and is now storyboarding and directing for Nickelodeon, and yes, that is her name; let’s move on.

She says the book is “weirdly therapeutic” and “the perfect sick day activity,” as well as the “best $7 purchase of the year.” She uploaded several of her sketches to Twitter, and they’re both incredibly skilled and uniquely imaginative. Dong was clearly having clever fun with some of the book’s more suggestive half-doodles, like the one where it seems obvious the author is encouraging readers to draw a turtle, and she’s like, “Oh, you want a turtle? I’ll give you more turtle than you can handle, you turtle-requesting four-flusher.”

In addition to some next-level turtle sketching, Dong also turned a partial dragon drawing into vegetation for some rad dinosaurs to chew on, and she looked at the sketch of half a guitar and thought, “Nope. This is bread slices doing rhythmic gymnastics with ribbons.” This is what happens when professional artists put their keen imaginations and advanced skills to work. She didn’t even do rough sketches first; as she explains, “I decided not to do any underdrawings in it and go straight to ink.” This is real talent.


(Via Sketch Shark and Super Punch)