After Super Bowl 50, Stephen Colbert aired a special live edition of The Late Show. The host interviewed Will Ferrell, Megyn Kelly, Tina Fey, and Margot Robbie. President Obama even muscled in with a pre-taped bit. Then Jordan Peele and Keegan-Michael Key showed up to cap off their evening of live Super Bowl commentary for Squarespace. Well, sort of.
The two former Comedy Central darlings sent over Hingle McCringleberry — the star of one of their most beloved sketches — for more “Excessive Celebration.” So, the troublemaker antagonizes his least favorite referee with more on-field antics. The football star wasn’t content to simply execute well-timed pelvic thrusts to receive penalty flags. No, McCringleberry does so much worse. He barbecues a football, mimes a lynching (“frontier justice”), and his antics grow more ridiculous as the segment continues. The final payoff does not disappoint those viewers who ride the momentum.
Fans of the duo will recall how McCringleberry’s famous dance moves recently inspired the Denver Bronco’s Von Miller to rack up fines with tribute thrusts. Key and Peele later paid Miller’s fine in the form of a donation to Miller’s charity, but this sketch resurrection goes well with Sunday’s Super Bowl celebration. Miller had quite the evening himself, but no pelvic thrusts were had. Luckily, we can always relive the magic of McCringleberry’s original celebration.