Former WWE Star Chyna Has A Very Creepy Wrestling Yoga Web Series

Chyna’s quest to make the WWE Hall of Fame is ongoing, but she’s creating some truly weird YouTube videos in the meantime. And, no, these aren’t porn videos with “original Diva” Tammy “Sunny” Sytch, who, as of earlier this month, wanted to make an adult film with the embattled former wrestling star.

Instead, Chyna and Rob Potylo have a new and quite creepy web series in which they do yoga with wrestling moves. (The video is rather self-explanatory in that way.) The latest video is the second in the series. (If you’re really interested, the first episode can be viewed here. For the record, it came out seven months ago.) The whole thing is super weird. There’s music, lots of uncomfortable staring, some behind-the-back crotch grabbing. And that’s just the first minute or so.

None of this, of course, has any bearing on Chyna’s quest to get back into the good graces for WWE. However, considering her latest apology was about the most level-headed thing we’d seen from her in a while, this is, to put it one way, Chyna going back to the same old Chyna.

Anyway, watch if you dare. Just don’t say you weren’t warned.

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