Taylor Swift Just Up And Crashed This Fan’s Wedding With A Rendition Of ‘Blank Space’


Singer Taylor Swift has been spending the past few years carving out her own place in history by being unforgettable and headline-stealing on top of producing memorable music. The singer, known for her rather epic breakup songs, should apparently have another one coming after her breakup with Calvin Harris, with questions lingering in the air if her whole squad is gearing up for a boyfriend-less summer of fun. But that isn’t to say that Swift is against relationships. Oh no, she’s all for them.


Billboard even goes as far as to provide evidence to this fact, by showing us that Taylor Swift decided to show up at a fan’s wedding. Max Singer was getting married to his longtime girlfriend, Kenya Smith, at a hospital prior to their ceremony so that Singer’s dying mother wouldn’t miss their wedding. Singer’s sister passed along a note to Swift, explaining that “Blank Space” was the mother and son’s first dance song.

Sure enough, Taylor Swift just kinda showed up in New Jersey on Saturday for their reception to pose for photographs with the couple, their friends and family as well as sit down at the piano and pound out an off-the-cuff rendition of “Blank Space” for the couple. That really is a day that this couple won’t forget any time soon.

(via Billboard)