Russell Westbrook Continues His Love Affair With Reading By Making This Harry Potter-Inspired Snapchat

Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was finally released over the weekend, and it’s already breaking records causing everyone to geek out over it (even Luke Skywalker).

The latest celebrity to get in on the newest Harry Potter craze is Thunder superstar Russell Westbrook, who used Snapchat to show his excitement over the new book by taking a selfie with a special filter – a much better use of Snapchat than how some other NBA stars have used it recently – that gave him the boy wizard’s famous scar and wire-rimmed glasses.

Westbrook being into Harry Potter is no surprise. Last year, our own Martin Rickman sat down with Westbrook and spoke to him about his passion for reading and his charities, which includes Russell’s Reading Room and the Why Not? Foundation, a pair of libraries in underprivileged areas.

“I think reading is one of the most important things for kids growing up in the inner city,” Westbrook says. “I was one of those kids. I think opening reading rooms and giving kids the opportunity to have access to books and find ways to forward with their intelligence is important. Whenever I do anything – Why not? I think it opens a lot of doors for you, as a kid, as an adult, whatever. I think it puts you in a position where you can tell yourself, ‘Why not?’ and just move forward. Don’t worry about the consequences. Don’t worry about what other people say about you. Just move forward with what you want to and what you want to be in life.”

Interestingly, The Cursed Child features a time-traveling device called Time-Turners, so maybe Westbrook can get his hands on one of those and go back in time to convince Kevin Durant to stay with the Thunder.