The Fast 8 Facebook account has apparently peaced-out for awhile with one last picture of the cast and a thank you to the franchises fans, and by the looks of said picture, it does not appear that ‘The Rock’ and ‘Candy Ass’ Vin Diesel have rehabilitated their bromance. Whether the rift between Diesel and Dwayne Johnson is by design in the name of publicity, or genuinely beefy, it’s clear the pair where not willing to put their “unprofessional chickens*t” behind them for a damn picture.
So, lets play body language expert and assess what’s going on in this photograph. First off, ‘The Rock’ is standing as close to the exits so he can beat traffic after the game ends. Could they have taken a wider picture? Why not just take an aerial picture with a drone? Maybe a Google Earth picture next time. Diesel is awkwardly doing his best to make it appear people are leaning into his welcoming bosom, while at the same time making a face that screams take the damn picture! He might even be muttering under his breath “come closer to me”. Michelle Rodriguez has her leg crossed away from Diesel, that’s just textbook you disgust me stuff you learn in Body Language 101. To the left we have subjects that were haphazardly added to the picture at the last moment to make it official, it’s almost as if they needed them to ride in the carpool lane. In conclusion; the right side of the photo clearly represents a party of #TeamRock unity, while the left side depicts of picture of #TeamVin in an absolute fractured state.
As the “Fast Family” pushes off into some much needed chill-time until they reappear to hype the movies planned April of next year release, fans are still wondering if the recent side-taking is more like an actual family fight that will eventually blow over, or if the “differences of opinion and fundamental core beliefs” are the result of a more serious power-struggle that could doom one of the most successful franchises in the history of film. We anxiously await news of a Diesel-Johnson reconciliation, the future of Fast depends on it.
(Via MTV News)