Ben Affleck Responds To ‘Batman V Superman’ Backlash

Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice may have broken March records in its opening weekend, but the drop in the second week was a doozy, with some critics savaging the film. (Hello darkness, my old friend.) Despite any negativity, it earned enough to guarantee a standalone Batman movie directed by Ben Affleck and adding Joe Manganiello as Deathstroke.

The cast of Batman V Superman will likely be fielding questions about fan complaints for a long time to come. Jason Momoa has already fielded such questions with positivity, while Jeremy Irons seems to be ensconced in the “giving zero f*cks” phase of his career. Now Ben Affleck is also giving his thoughts on the negative reviews in an interview with FOX 5.

When interviewer Kevin McCarthy says he’s seen Batman V Superman four times, Affleck interjects, “You’ve seen it more than I have.” Affleck goes on to point out Batman V Superman was the most-watched movie he’s ever done. “It was the biggest hit of my career and then it had so much editorial negativity,” he said. “It was interesting, that movie, because it was judged not necessarily on execution so much as on its tone. People seemed to want to have a lighter tone to the movie, and I thought that was interesting. Tone is not a qualitative thing. It’s subjective, right? Some tones resonate with me that might not with you. And the tone of the movie was really parallel to the Frank Miller book [The Dark Knight Returns], which I liked and thought was great. I’m glad that so many people went and so many people liked the movie.”

Or, to summarize: Darkness. No parents.

(Via CBM)