Bryan Cranston’s Video Dating Past Inspires Dashing Imitations By Eddie Redmayne And Benedict Cumberbatch

Eddie Redmayne is an Oscar decorated actor that sounds like he might be game to provide entertainment at your lil’ moppet’s next birthday party. Nice work if you can get it, really.

Redmayne was nudged to put on a magic show on the latest episode of The Graham Norton Show with an audience that included fellow praise magnets Benedict Cumberbatch and Bryan Cranston. Ever the showman, Redmayne obliged and performed grand feats involving coloring books, Cranston’s ability to blow and a brilliant wand reveal that we immediately realize sounds super dirty on paper. It’s not. Just good clean fun between Newt Scamander, Doctor Strange and Walter White with remarkably charming results.

Elsewhere in gushed over actors being delighted with one another, Redmayne was absolutely fascinated with Cranston’s work in the video dating world. How could you not be? In addition to Cranston’s recollection of the process, all three actors on Norton tried their hand at creating distinctive romantic profiles for those looking for love on VHS or Beta. Cranston, Redmayne and Cumberbatch all did a bang-up job as taped casanovas that veer from goofy to smouldering in a heartbeat. So if you’re not wild about “regular” magic from the star of a a J.K. Rowling adaptation, there’s a triple serving of sensual magic that also awaits.

(Via Time)