Travel Searches Have Surged Wildly Since The Election Results Came In

A lot of Americans were left bewildered by yesterday’s election results. It’ll be a while before reality sets in and life moves forward for a large chunk of our nation. In the meantime moving to Canada, or at least vacationing there’s has become a more and more enticing proposition. Not that that should be surprising to anyone since, you know…

Searches on travel website also peaked yesterday afternoon, as it became more and more evident that Donald J. Drumpf would be the president elect. They saw a surge around the same time Canada’s immigration website started to crash — 4PST/7EST. The spike was twofold: first for leaving to Canada, and second for leaving the USA in general.

The blue lines represent searches on Nov. 8, while the orange line represents the previous week’s average.

Obviously we’ll have to wait to see if these Americans put their money where their mouths are and actually emigrate to Canada or New Zealand which “received 1,593 registrations from United States citizens since Nov. 1 – more than 50 percent of a typical month’s registrations in just seven days.”

Lawyers have even started offering their services to those seeking advice, via Twitter of course.

Maybe Twitter is a good place to turn for at least one laugh, particularly with mass immigration to Canada seeming more and more like a distant dream.
