Watch Even More New Footage From ‘Rogue One’ Including An X-Wing Battle

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story released an international trailer earlier this week which had us geeking out about kyber crystals and other Easter eggs. Now another international trailer has made its way to YouTube, with even more new footage we didn’t get to see stateside.

There’s a fun moment where soldier Baze Malbus (Jiang Wen) gets sarcastic with Force-believing warrior monk Chirrut Îmwe (Donnie Yen). One good thing about these international trailers is we always get to see new scenes from the actors who are the best known to audiences in that country. This international trailer also has a bit more dialogue featuring Jyn Erso (Felicity Jones), and there’s a surprising amount of X-Wing combat footage at the end. Somebody got their special effects finished on time.

We also have some new Rogue One posters courtesy of Disney and writer Gary Whitta:

Much like a previous poster, the internet also had some ideas of its own for Rogue One posters, namely to continue the trend of sprinkling some Jar Jar Binks on that bad boy.

Rogue One: A Star Wars Story mounts a resistance this December 16th.

Meesa ready.

(Via Comic Book Movie, Gary Whitta, and Olly Gibbs)