‘The Daily Show’ Uploaded A Trump Yule Log Video Of The Burning US Constitution To Celebrate Christmas

Whether it’s the latest high definition entry on Netflix or an assortment of options recently released by Marvel, lengthy streaming videos of yule logs are here to say. Hence why The Daily Show chose to simultaneously commemorate the upcoming Christmas holiday and President-elect Donald Trump’s victory in the Electoral College vote on Monday with its very own yule log in a YouTube post. Of course, it wouldn’t be a Trump-themed yule log without its primary source of kindling: the United States Constitution.

Titled “Donald Trump’s Christmas (NOT HOLIDAY) Yule Log Video,” The Daily Show‘s own contribution to the tried and true Internet tradition of creating and posting digital fireplaces is precisely what America needs as 2016 prepares to make way for 2017. After all, since the original federal document’s creation in 1787, its scattered copies have fetched millions in auctions and other private purchases, so burning one of these puppies for five hours during the holidays just feels right in Trump’s America.

Entertainment Weekly notes that the lengthy yule log video is punctuated by clips from various speeches the president-elect delivered throughout the 2016 campaign. Most, like the remarks Trump gives at the 2:36:27 mark, concern his preference for stores saying “Merry Christmas” instead of “Happy Holidays” during the late November and December shopping rush. Meanwhile, other instances include Trump’s infamous use of “bigly,” his racist impression of Chinese businessmen, and other treats.

(Via Entertainment Weekly)