This Mayo-Loving Fan Downed A Spoonful Of It Straight From A Gigantic Tub

There are some things that should not be captured by video cameras. On Thursday afternoon, one such activity was on full display during what appears to be the second quarter of a women’s basketball game between UT-Martin and Belmont. Under normal circumstances, a game between two unranked women’s hoops teams from the Ohio Valley Conference would not be of serious note, but one fan sitting behind the broadcasters changed that.

During one televised portion in which the broadcasters were shown, this fan inexplicably holds a large container of Hellman’s mayonnaise. From there, he does the unthinkable, digging a spoon directly into the jug, scooping out a full blown serving of mayonnaise, shows it to a woman attending the game alongside him … and eats it.

Yes, you are seeing and reading that correctly. This individual decided it would be a splendid idea to eat a spoonful of mayonnaise, with pleasure, during an ESPNU broadcast on a Thursday afternoon.

Belmont went on to win the game by a 71-66 margin at home but, given that this fan was donning a shirt supporting that program, there were no winners in this instance. There is at least the possibility that the enterprising onlooker replaced mayonnaise with some sort of vanilla pudding, but we are left to only assume the worst. Avert your eyes.