Jon Stewart Hops Back Behind ‘The Late Show’ Desk To Call Out Trump’s Lies And Have A Heart To Heart With The Media

Jon Stewart has made a few memorable returns to television since his retirement, but his most colorful appearances seem to be reserved for The Late Show. He’s brought back some of his fire from his days on The Daily Show during the Republican National Convention but returned ahead of the election with a very spirited musical number about voting and used his third appearance to show off some of the latest Trump fashions. It’s nice to have him back no matter how he wants to appear, but his latest appearance on Tuesday’s show is a return to form.

Using his secret tunnel under the Ed Sullivan Theater, Stewart makes his way back behind the desk with Stephen Colbert to vent some frustrations about Donald Trump. It would seem that Stewart knows exactly when Trump is lying to the public and he shares his method with the audience. Whenever Trump says, “believe me,” to the audience or on television, he’s spreading “bullsh*t” according to the former Daily Show host.

From there, he moves on to speaking directly to the media and how the president has broken up with them. For him, it’s a blessing in disguise and a moment for the media to get their groove back. It’s some classic Jon Stewart trying to hold a mirror up to the media in an attempt to make them better, something it seems they’re realizing now with the Trump administration.

A Jon Stewart appearance is always going to be worth the watch. It’s a nice little refresh from the other voices that are clogging late night.

(Via The Late Show)