For A Short Time, You Can Fly To Europe For As Low As $84


One of the saddest statistics about America is that 60% of US citizens don’t have a passport. This is just terrible. Of course, taking a trip to Europe, can be quite a hit to your wallet and that’s probably why many people don’t waste their money on a passport. Why pay for it when you might never get a chance to use it? But, and bear with us here, what if it wasn’t so expensive to travel, after all?

To commemorate St. Patrick’s Day, Norwegian Airlines is offering a ridiculous special. The airline is offering an insane amount off flights to such far-flung locales as Dublin, Copenhagen, London, Oslo and Stockholm. One way tickets to some of the coolest cities on Earth start at $84 dollars, which is less than most monthly cable bills. If you decide you can live without Game of Thrones for a month, you can afford to fly to Stockholm.

Norwegian Airlines doesn’t fly from everywhere, though. You have to be leaving from (or find your way to) Boston, New York, Fort Lauderdale, LA, Orlando, Connecticut or San Francisco. Also, you have to act fast. Since it’s a special for St. Patrick’s Day, the discounts are dunzo this Sunday. Plus, it’s not like you have to book a flight for next week (why would you?). The dates go from April 18th to October 28th (so you’ll be home in time for Halloween).

What to do now? Book a ticket and then go get your passport. It might be awkward to stand there and get your picture taken, but at least you’ll be able to finally take that trip you’ve been dreaming of.

Can’t book a flight right now? Check out our guide on how to find the best travel deals on the web!