‘Stephen Colbert’ Returns To ‘The Late Show’ To Replace Stephen Colbert And Give A Right Wing Take On Trump’s Budget

Stephen Colbert made his return and replaced Stephen Colbert on Monday’s Late Show, but not the one from Comedy Central’s Colbert Report. As you are aware, that version is barred from appearing on The Late Show for legal reasons. That means we got a slightly different version instead, arriving from his cabin in the woods to do tonight’s “WERD” and not the legally troublesome “The Word” from that other guy’s show. Just think about Vanilla’s Ice’s excuse for his sampling of Queen’s “Under Pressure.” Those slight differences are so important.

While the real Colbert is busy taking shots at Trump and “moaning” over every little thing the president is trying to do, the right wing, fiscal Conservative version of Colbert — not the “cuck” from Comedy Central — was ready to go to war over Trump’s budget and hunt some bears. They are nature’s killing machines, no matter what version of Colbert we’re seeing on television.

It’s always fun to see a little bit of the old Stephen Colbert show up and do his act. If you’re out to hug grandma and cry that she’s not going to get her meals handed to her anymore, maybe you should look at yourself instead of the new budget. It’s a much-needed injection of reality for those folks that have been fed for years with no results. Food isn’t a right, much like healthcare and clean water.

(Via The Late Show)