UFC Fighter Angela Magana Plans To Sue Cris Cyborg Over Sucker Punch

In the world of the UFC, scuffles outside of the cage aren’t exactly unheard of. But one recent example between women’s featherweight contender Cris Cyborg and former Ultimate Fighter contestant Angela Magana has snowballed into potential criminal charges and now a lawsuit.

The incident happened at the UFC’s Athlete Retreat, a weekend long assembly of the entire roster to go over the company’s vision for the future. Magana had made several derogatory social media posts about Cyborg leading up to their meeting, and when the two ran into each other, Cris ended up punching Magana in the mouth. Now it sounds like Magana plans on suing.

“I’ve already retained a lawyer,” Magana said in a video interview with TMZ. “I have medical bills, I’m not gonna pay those. You f**ked up big time. You can’t do what you did. Now I’m gonna get you as hard as I can get you.”

The incident has split UFC fans between those who think this kind of thing gives the sport a black eye and proponents of ‘talk s**t, get hit.’. Personally, I subscribe to ‘play stupid games, win stupid prizes,’ which is a saying that applies equally to the actions of both Cyborg and Magana. Neither of them has behaved well in this recent exchange, and it’s not surprising that epic troll Magana is going to try and milk the situation for all the money and attention she can get from it.

As for the UFC, they’ve stayed relatively silent regarding the altercation, simply saying they’re looking into it’ and taking the situation ‘very seriously.’