Did Jeff Sessions Violate His Recusal By Talking About The Russia Investigation On ‘Fox And Friends’?


What should have been a pretty standard interview with Jeff Sessions about President Trump’s travel ban got a little weird on Fox and Friends. After chatting about immigration, Sessions responded to the hosts’ questions on whether the friendship between FBI Director James Comey and his replacement on the Russia probe, Special Counsel Robert Mueller, is problematic. Sessions didn’t give much away, but did the exchange step outside the bounds of Sessions’ recusal pertaining to all things related to Trump-Russia ties?

After discussing DACA, Sessions was asked about a comment President Trump made about the fact that Mueller is “very good friends with James Comey,” which Trump finds “bothersome.” Sessions spoke primarily on his hopes that the investigation will eventually clear the air and that the people involved are trustworthy. “Well, we need to have a — clear the air on this and let the system work its will,” said Sessions. “That’s all that can be done at this point. And we expect full integrity and good work from every part — every person involved in this investigation.”

Fox’s Brian Kilmeade kept pressing the Attorney General for any possible dirt on Mueller or Comey’s impropriety, but couldn’t get more than a few more noncommittal statements on integrity and credibility out of Sessions. “Mr. Mueller, is entitled, lawfully, I guess at this point, to hire who he desires, but I think he should look for people who have strength and credibility by all people,” said Sessions. “Mr. Mueller is someone I’ve known for a long time and I’ve had confidence in him over the years.”

According to Sessions’ aides, he’s not only supposed to stay out of the investigation, but he intended to avoid talking to the media about the Russia case, too. Ready to wrap things up, Sessions told the Fox and Friends hosts that he hopes “we can move forward and see this matter come to an end sooner, rather than later.” Perhaps he was speaking as much of the uncomfortable line of inquiry as of the Russia investigation itself.

(Via Fox News & Politico)