Lil Wayne Is Back In The Studio With Some Surprising Names Just Days After Suffering Several Seizures

Scares with seizures aren’t exactly new for Lil Wayne, the rapper suffers from epilepsy and has been dealing with the disorder for years. This week he suffered several seizures in Chicago and the situation was serious enough that he had to cancel a show and will likely be on the shelf for a short time. It’s been reported that his hectic and legendary work rate is part of the reason for his latest bout with seizures, but apparently that’s not slowing Weezy down as he’s already back in the studio, and with a few surprising names.

Scott Stortch and Damian Lillard posted pictures in the studio working with Wayne on Thursday, and Tune was all smiles just days after his seizures in Chicago. Wayne clearly respects the NBA All-Star’s prowess on the mic because this isn’t the first time he’s made the time to work with Dame, as the duo collaborated on ““Loyal to the Soil” on Dame’s debut album The Letter O, and just like Lillard said recently they’re getting back together to work on his new album.

It seems that Wayne was also working with Scott Storch in the same studio session as well. “My boy from back in Miami,” Scott said on Instagram with a picture from the session. “Now he’s healthy and we making some #hits in Los Angeles.” Stortch seemingly took a sabbatical from rap a few years back as he was knee deep in financial woes, trouble with the law and bouts with addiction. Now, he’s on the comeback trail, and with his history of hit making he’s not a bad name to call on when you need some production, and apparently Damian and Wayne did exactly that.