Seth Meyers Defends His Former ‘Late Night’ Co-Worker Michelle Wolf: ‘Sarah Huckabee Sanders Got Off Easy’

Seth Meyers was quick to come to the defense of Michelle Wolf on Monday’s episode of Late Night. Not only did he call out the WHCD for knowing what they were getting into before hiring Wolf to appear, he disagreed with their assertion that “the entertainer’s monologue was not in the spirit” of a unifying message, free press, and the first amendment. “Sarah Huckabee Sanders got off easy,” according to Meyers and Wolf’s first amendment rights were clearly on display.

It also gave Meyers another reason to target Donald Trump, pointing out the president’s tweet about the event and the mention of the infamous dinner that Meyers hosted and allegedly sent us down this timeline:

“Now, Michelle Wolf doesn’t need anyone to defend her. But she is our friend. So just know, when you call her filthy, you are right. She is filthy. And she is mean, which is what we love about her. Because those are wonderful qualities for comedians and terrible qualities for world leaders.”

There has been no shortage of defense for Wolf on Twitter, with many comedians getting vocal with journalists and critics of the event by pointing out their odd defense of an administration that has demonized them since taking office.

Meyers adding his voice to that group is no surprise given his past history with Wolf and it is nice to see him go to bat for her and promote her work. Her Netflix show is either poised to be very popular or the next big controversy that people will boycott. Either way, as Meyers said, you can’t hurt her image. They’re not wrong to say she’s filthy and she’s likely proud of it.

(Via Late Night)